Check out just SOME of the AMAZING things you get in this course:

Preview Course Outline
TRY before you BUY! Preview The Course Outline and Intro!

Want to know WHAT'S in this course to see if it's right for you? No problem! Besides being able to view the course curriculum, you can also preview our intro module BEFORE you sign up!

Expert Feedback
*INCLUDED* Super Bonus: Get Expert Feedback!

So you've got an idea, but you're not sure if it "works"... We can help! Included with your purchase is the opportunity to get expert feedback on your concept from bestselling authors in the genre!

Cozy Expectations
*INCLUDED* New to Cozies? Don't FRET! We cover it ALL!

Maybe you've spent plenty of time reading, but you're not sure WHAT really makes a cozy. Don't worry, we cover everything you need to know from start to finish AND what readers expect out of their cozies.

the biggest mistakes
*INCLUDED* The Mistakes you NEED to avoid!

Writing Cozies is one of the funnest experiences you'll have, but there are things you need and WANT to avoid if you plan on writing a satisfying story! Here we tell you the 7 Biggest mistakes new authors make.

Cozy Timeline
*INCLUDED* We tell you EXACTLY how to lay things out!

Knowing WHAT to include in your story is great...but WHERE does it all go? In this course, we cover in depth what happens WHEN, using our 20 Chapter Method. You'll know exactly HOW to lay out your story from start to finish!

Extra Goodies
*INCLUDED* 5 Fabulous Downloads you NEED!

Once you've completed the course, you'll be able to download amazing extras including: Fully Formed Sample Outline, Blank Cozy Book Outline (The 20 Chapter Method), BLANK Cozy Character Sheet, PDF of this entire course, and the Cozy Author Essential Resources List.

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Cozy Crash Course Curriculum